Stairway to Rage!

MASTER OF KUNG FU — Issue no. 69, July 1978

Book: Master of Kung Fu

Issue No.: 69

Published: July 25, 1978

Title: “Stairway to Rage!”

Cover Price: 35¢

Format: Original paper copy

This issue of Master of Kung Fu ends on a confusing note. It’s a literal note, at the bottom of the story’s last page — “See our letters page for news about next issue!” But there’s no letters page in this issue. So I guess I’ll have to wait till I read the next issue to see what it’s about.

I was kind of confused for a lot of this issue, because it features several flashbacks, but I couldn’t remember if they were from Master of Kung Fu no. 68 or if they were filling in some backstory. I finally figured out it was the latter. I think.

After the multi-issue epic that wrapped up in the previous issue, this book features a one-and-done story. It’s a fairly straightforward (other than all the flashbacks) gauntlet type of story, with kung fu master Shang-Chi defeating a series of opponents to get to Skullcrusher. (This book really delivers on the kung fu, with the fights dynamically illustrated by the great Mike Zeck.) Skullcrusher (his weapons of choice are steel balls-and-chains that he swings around and uses to pummel his opponents) has taken over a temple in the mountains. The priests that have been scared off by Skullcrusher are happy to see Shang-Chi. They believe he is the hero they have been waiting for to return their temple to them.

A panel from this issue showing Shang-Chi kicking three bad guys at once. Sound effects are “chud,” “wud,” and “tud.”

Shang-Chi doesn’t really care about the priests, he just wants revenge on Skullcrusher. Skullcrusher injured Juliette, who is one of Shang-Chi’s love interests of late. As Shang-Chi fights his way through Skullcrusher’s goons, he thinks back on his relationship with Juliette.

Something about Juliette is bugging Shang-Chi the whole time. Long story short, it turns out that Juliette is in love with Skullcrusher. After Shang-Chi defeats Skullcrusher, she emerges from the shadows. Juliette admits that Skullcrusher is her guy, and she begs Shang-Chi to be merciful and not kill Skullcrusher.

Shang-Chi honors her wishes, of course. He’s heartbroken about Juliette, but he’s not going to kill anybody (even a big jerk named Skullcrusher) in cold blood.

The Shang-Chi/Juliette story goes back further than I’ve read. So I’m not really sure what her play was leading Shang-Chi on while she really loved Skullcrusher. But I get the feeling that Shang-Chi isn’t sure why she did it, either. I guess sometimes femme fatales are just gonna femme fatale.

Next time — Jack “King” Kirby’s Machine Man!


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